Ethash pool review:  Ethash pool is a multi algorithm mining pool. It enables their users to mine multi crypto tokens. These includes ETC, ETP, ETH, and GRIN. More-so the pool can pay their miners with either of the tokens below. Ethereum (ETH), bitcoin (BTC), metervers and Ethereum classic ETC.
Ethash pool

Introduction to Ethash pool

This is a multi algorithm mining company that was found in November 2010. At south Korea. However Ethash mining pool has two different pools.  They include Ethash pool and Grin pool. Ethash pool provides all the block rewards in a bulk transfer. In other to enable miners to save in exchange fees and maximize mining profits.

Ethash mining pool location

Ethash pool review has its first Grin mining pool in the north America. So far they are still working to add more features. At thesame time more option to the features. Miners can use GPU computing power to mine GRIN. This can give in return a 90% return of mined blocks. However Ethash pool review auto-conversation features that enable users to mine GRIN coins. In which the payout in ethereum and bitcoin.

Ethash pool mining plan

Ethash mining pool has a total of 0.5% average fee. And also a minimum payout of 0.10ETC, 100ETP, 0.05ETH, and 0.50GRIN. The pool offers stratum, Cardiff and monitoring mining. However the Ethash mining pool do not support to merge mining. And also transaction shared with miners.

Ethash mining pool benefits

However Ethash pool review has many benefits. This includes exchange rates, save on exchange fee. More-so the most profitable coin, hassle-free.  And at thesame time change payout coin at any time of your choice. Meanwhile the pool provides miner with all real-monitoring. However ensuring they monitor all miners from everywhere via hashrate. Including profit and getting information through email. Whenever there is issues with the account. The pool has a constant payout as they claims. It may include a constant payout when your minimum threshold is available. Miners hashrate displays immediately the miner submits a share to the pool. This because the longer the user mine the accuracy of the displayed hashrate.

Is Ethash mining pool scam or legit?

You can find out if they are legit or scam after reading this article. For our reviews give investors insight on the best platform to invest. So far the police investigates ethereum, bitcoin mining pool. This is following the scam allegation against Ethash pool review. You can read more of review following the link below ZHash.Pro

Investigation and caution on Ethash pool

Apparantly, a staff holding up banner in Kazakhstan
Here by alleging to know where the Ethash pool review machines are located. While south Korean police are investigating the allegations. Based on the scam alert.  Against bitcoin (BTC) and ethereum (ETH) mining pool. Financial crime investigation unit. Said to have started conducting a probe into a pool named Ethash. A group of victims has come forward to state that they are left out of pocket. After they might have invested their money with them. It was found out that they have blocked their live chat. Together with the shutting down of their website. As a matter of fact police said that they have take down all communication channels. Accustomed to them.

Customers support

Ethash mining pool is likely to have a quality customer support.  These includes live chat, email support, and Instagram chat. But irrespective of all this police report. No body have said they are scam. You can read more about our reviews through the link Antpool.


We here by conclude that they are not legit. And should avoid being carried  away by their attractive offer. It is on our good interest to give insight on the best mining platform to invest. For those that find cryptocurrency profitable. There are still legit platform to invest. is another profitable platform. Don’t forget to share, like and comment. Is our pleasure to see you making profit through our instructions.

By s1s2p

2 thoughts on “Ethash pool review: Ethash pool is a multi algorithm mining pool.”
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